Mona Lisa Copper IUDs

Description: All Mona Lisa IUDs are made of a polyethylen and barium sulfate frame. The Cu380 and 380 Mini are T-shaped with copper wire around the stem, a copper surface of 380 mm2, and a duration of 5 years. The Mini design has shorter side arms and stem length for uterine cavity depth < 7cm. CuT 380A QL is also T-shaped with a copper surface of 380 mm2, copper wire around the stem, and copper sleeves on the arms. It has an easy to handle quick-load system and is effective for 10 years. The Multiload design Cu375 has a copper surface of 375mm2 and is effective for 5 years. The Cu375 SL has a shorter stem for smaller uteri. ST Cu300 is a very small and flexible device with a copper surface of 300 mm2 and in-situ time of 5 years.

Product Details

Duration: 5 - 10 years


Dose: 300 - 380 mm2

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API):

Inactive material: polyethylen; barium sulfate

Status Details

Status Details:
  • CE-marked products
  • Distributed in Europe and Canada, as well as a few countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
  • Randomized trial of Mona Lia NT Cu380 Mini initiated in 2017, with enrollment through 2018. Preliminary results expected Q4 2019.

Additional Information


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