Peptide LL-37

Description: The antimicrobial peptide LL-37, which is in the cathelicidin family, is being tested for its use simultaneously as a contraceptive and an anti-HIV treatment. It will be delivered either as a pericoital vaginal gel in hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) or a long-acting vaginal ring.

Product Details

Delivery Method: ,

Duration Type: ,

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API):

Inactive material: silicone; hydroxyethyl cellulose

Status Details

Began discovery in: 2008

Status Details:
  • Preliminary work indicated that 70% of female mice vaginally administered with this LL-37 gel did not become pregnant following natural mating. A higher concentration gel will be tested. The female reproductive tract tissues will be observed for intactness and the presence of recruited immune cells.

Additional Information

  • Srakaew N, et al. (2014) Antimicrobial host defence peptide, LL-37, as a potential vaginal contraceptive. Human Reproduction. 29 (4):683-96.

Vertical Tabs
