Testicular Heat

Alternative Name: Testicular heat supplementation

Description: This method uses testicular sitz baths, a heating pad, or heated rocks to elevate the temperature of the testes. The testes must be several degrees cooler than normal body temperature in order to maintain proper spermatogenesis. Three weeks of daily treatments provides 6 months of contraception.

Product Details

Duration: 6 months


Status Details

Status Details:
  • Effect of testicular heat on fertility known since the 1920's and studied by John Rock among others. A comprehensive review publication by R. Swerdloff of UCLA in 1988. Already in long-term use by U.S. men seeking an alternative to condoms or vasectomy.

Additional Information

  • Kandeel FR, Swerdloff RS. (1988) Role of temperature in regulation of spermatogenesis and the use of heating as a method for contraception. Fertil Steril 49(1):1-23.

Vertical Tabs
