Desogestrel + Testosterone

Description: Combined male contraceptive using desogestrel and testosterone. Pilot work used oral desogestrel and depot testosterone, but further development would likely use a combined depot approach.

Product Details

Delivery Method: ,


Dose: 300mcg desogestrel, 300mg testosterone

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API):

Status Details

Began discovery in: 1995

Status Details:
  • While pilot work showed that this is a promising approach that could be taken further, no further development is currently taking place.

Additional Information

  • Kinniburgh D, et al. (2002) Oral desogestrel with testosterone pellets induces consistent suppression of spermatogenesis to azoospermia in both Caucasian and Chinese men. Human Reprod. 17:1490-1501.

Vertical Tabs
