NES Implant

Alternative Name: Nestorone (NES) Single Rod Implant

Description: A single rod, 2-year silastic subdermal implant containing 93 mg of Nestorone.

Product Details

Duration: 2 years


Dose: 93mg NES

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API):

Inactive material: silastic

Status Details

Status Details:
  • Phase IIb study stopped due to higher than expected failure rate in women who were not breastfeeding
  • Phase II in breastfeeding women successful both in efficacy to prevent pregnancy and safety in mothers and infants.

Additional Information

  • Massai MR, Díaz S, et al. (2001) Contraceptive efficacy and clinical performance of Nestorone implants in postpartum women. Contraception. 64(6):369-76.

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